Two subjects I would like to address. First is the wearing of mask. As you have noticed we have not been real “rigid” with some of the virus safety guidelines. Many parishes have their seating roped off, require mask and everyone is ushered to a seat. I make no criticism of these practices. Everyone is trying to cope as best they can. I take a perspective that lean a little more toward personal responsibility. I am very aware that the mask is very controversial and unfortunately it has been politicalized. I have attempted to be influence by the science, not the politics or popular opinions. It seems to me that masks do have a place in prevention, but they are not a universal fix. The problem with the virus is that a person can have it and not be aware of it yet. In this condition we can spread it. The mask subdues the mist that naturally comes from all our mouths when we speak. Social distancing does help address this but if we are going to be closer, we should consider the mask. I am not going to be the “virus police”. I simply ask you as you make your consideration of how you will address the virus, do think of others who may be vulnerable. The other topic is, “The Chosen.” We will be showing the first episode this coming Thursday, Aug. 27, 6:30 pm in the hall. I need to remind you that we cannot at this time provide food, but you are welcome to bring your own soft drink or water. We will have a brief discussion afterward and you should be on your way home by 8 pm. We will provide seating with social distancing as best we can. Yours in Christ our Lord. Fr. Sid