I hope to use this space in the coming weeks to offer an abbreviated form of my weekend message. Over the coming weeks we will examine the Mass from beginning to end. We begin at home before you leave for Mass. This is where we begin to prepare ourselves, where we make the decision, yes, I am going! By rights it shouldn’t be anything we think about but have previously decided to go every Sunday and Holy Day. Many Catholics have concluded that attendances is optional. I’m not sure where this idea came from. The Faith has always taught that we are to “keep the sabbath” by attendance at Mass. It is a mortal (yes mortal) sin to willfully not attend when we are able. Why is it considered that serious? Because it is an affront to our relationship with God. We are thumbing our nose at the invitation of our King, saying by behavior that something else is more important. With attendance a settled given, we should be considering our intention for the coming Mass. Most of you are familiar with the announcement of an intention at the beginning of Mass but it is proper for each person to have a personal intention, (prayer request). Mass is worship, a sacrifice and it is prayer. We cannot separate these because all of the Mass is prayer, the songs, the worship, and the sacrifice. We will be unpacking all of these in the weeks to come but it is essential that you approach with humble faith or there will be little understanding realized. It is a simple movement of the heart and mind that says, Lord, I trust you, I believe you! Yours in Christ our Lord, Fr. Sid.