I want to use this space to address my “brush” with the virus. I have tested negative of the virus and cleared to resume public activity. I am very aware that this worldwide event has been steeped in controversy and misinformation. This has been magnified by its use as a political football to advance agendas on both sides of the political spectrum. I want to make a very simple appeal. THINK OF OTHERS. The virus is real and people I know have died from it. There are others who have been deathly ill from it. And, there are those who have had very minor symptoms, hardly a bad cold, even people with other serious health issues. What is clear is there is a lot about this virus that is still unknown. We do not yet know why some individuals are more vulnerable than others but it does seem evident that closeness and the length of time to exposure increase the probability of contracting the virus and how bad it will get. The dose of exposure seems to be having a direct correlation to seriousness of the symptoms. So be careful! Number one, pay attention to your hands. The mask is the most visible protection. But the most important invisible protection is clean hands and not touching your face. As Christians our faith required duty is to put others first before our own needs and desires. Unless we are being asked to sin, we are all obligated to help and protect others, particularly the weakest. The weakest in this case is the unknown person out there who neither they nor us know to be vulnerable to the virus in a deadly way. Think of them and act accordingly. Yours in Christ, Fr. Sid.