Here we are going into 2022. We are all hoping that 22 will be better than 20 and 21. Covid is still with us and might be with us for a long time, hanging around like the common cold. There has been ample confusion about most everything. But one thing remains firm, our faith. Covid and all related to it has brought about some measure of rededication to the Christian Faith of many who had ever so slowly drifted away. The jarring craziness going on in our culture and the related controversies has driven folks back to the unchangeable. This is where traditional practices of our Catholic faith take on a securing quality. They are ancient, predictable, constant, and stable. You have probably noticed that we have ramped up the use of the Latin language in Mass. This too can be confusing at first but after a while we begin to understand what we are saying. Unlike the language we use daily, Church Latin does not change in meaning. The words mean the same thing they did 1600 years ago when St. Augustine wrote down his theology. Church Latin is being used by people of many, many different languages, but the Latin is always the same in meaning. We are joined with them in speaking the same words as they do, and the same Latin words used by our Catholic ancestors. It is a reflection of our Savior Jesus, who is the same yesterday, today and forever! Yours in Christ our Lord. Fr. Sid.