This coming Wednesday is our Lenten Penance service. Like previous services, we will begin at 6:45 pm and you can leave when you have completed your confession. Youth who are in the company of their parent(s) may leave with them.
It helps to prepare beforehand. Take some time to prayerfully reflect on your life. Ask the Holy Spirit to assist you. Confession is not just a revisit of sin intended to stir up feelings of guilt. It’s the opposite. It is intended to rid us of guilt. If you happen to struggle with guilt even after going to confession, you might want to discuss it with the priest.
Also, there is an important change in our Thursday evening schedule. We will not be using the Rerouting videos at this time. Armando Chavarria, Director of Faith Formation and Evangelization for the Grand Island Diocese, will be providing a series of five presentations on Thursday evenings (Mar.5) beginning at 6:30 and concluding at 8 pm.
Armando and his wife have five children and reside in Grand Island. Armando is a U.S. Navy veteran who has advanced degrees in theology from Steubenville University. He has a passion for Catholics to grow in their relationship with Christ Jesus. Please come and be part of this five-week Lenten program.
The Lord be with you! Fr. Sid.