Saint Libory's Catholic Church depends entirely on the offerings of the faithful to support our thriving parish. Your generous gift will be used where the need is greatest to fund parish operations unless you specify otherwise.
Thank you. Your donation to Saint Libory's Catholic Church has been completed.
If you have any questions, please contact Linda Mathis at [email protected] or Father Sid at
s[email protected].
The Lord be with you!
Saint Libory's Catholic Church
505 Spruce Street
Saint Libory, NE 68872
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Envelopes are provided to all parishioners.
Note: If you are new to the parish, WELCOME and please fill out the New Parishioners form (form coming soon).
If you prefer to make a tax-deductible donation by mail please send a check payable to Saint Libory Catholic Church, and please mail it to:
Saint Libory Catholic Church
505 Spruce Street
St. Libory, Nebraska 68872
Saint Libory offers another electronic giving solution which allows you to securely set up recurring donations from your personal bank account through monthly debit transactions (ACH) by downloading, completing and submitting the Authorization Form on this page.
Using the Authorization Form, the donation amount you select will be deducted from the bank account you designate. Withdrawals are made on the 1st of the Month.
At any time after setting up the electronic giving solution, you can resubmit the Authorization Form or contact us to change the donation amount, personal bank account information, or discontinue electronic giving entirely.
You can mail the Authorization Form to the address below, drop it by the Parish Office, or place it in a sealed envelope in the collection basket.
St. Libory-ACH Form (.pdf file)
Email notification will confirm your gift was received. Recurring gifts receive notification just prior to, and when each gift is processed.
Online gifts meet the same security standards as online banking. Just be sure to use a secure internet connection (not a public wifi spot).
Processing and reporting is much faster and more efficient, and there's no need to ever collect or store parishioner account information.