I am hoping that very soon we can expand to more parish activities. We will soon begin our Religious Ed. Classes. Donna Placke, our DRE, is working on this and parents should soon be notified of a date and how it will proceed. I am also planning to restart our Thursday evening faith program. I am looking at providing a video series called, Chosen. It is a set of presentations reenacting the Gospels. Either way, material is not a problem for the presentations. What we will need to change is the providing of food. The group will be limited to soft drinks that each participant brings for their self, if they so desire to have one. All of this is subject to modifications as we go. The startup of schools will be an important test concerning the virus. As you are aware, there is a tremendous amount of information and unfortunately, a lot of it is conflicting, leaving all of us questioning what to believe. I simply say, be careful. Use good hand hygiene and common sense. We are all in this together and the Lord will guide us through. With faith in Him, these events will all work to our good. So, keep the Faith. Love the Lord and love your neighbor! Yours in Christ our Lord, Fr. Sid.