This Sunday we celebrated the Holy Trinity. This is a most important doctrine of our faith, and it demonstrates something fundamental about the nature of our doctrine. What we believe is what has been revealed to us via Christ through the Apostles, other words, divine revelation. Our doctrine is not something that some human person or persons put together and composed out of what they “think” is true about God. I know this sounds trivial, but it is very important because if what we hold to be true has not been revealed by God then there is no reason to not hold it and all our doctrine suspect. As far as the Trinity, this is a prime example of a doctrine that no one would make up. It’s just too hard to comprehend. One God, three person and perfect unity. No one is going to try to sell this as a theological belief unless it is the real deal, revealed by God. Human ideas are always bound to the earth and based on appeal. God’s truths are always visible but beyond complete human comprehension. Here is an example. We live in Nebraska where you can readily do this. On a clear, moonless night go outside and look up at the Milky Way. You are looking at millions and millions of stars. Can we see them? Yes. Can we comprehend them all? No. Some of the light from those stars left their source before Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Light travels a 186,000 miles per second or 671 million miles per hour. You are seeing the light, but can we comprehend the distance it has traveled? No. We accept the math, but our mind cannot imagine or picture the distance. My point is, we only propose that which seems humanly plausible. But whether it is plausible or not is not as important as whether it is true. You see it is truth that helps us, brings us good, frees us and brings us close to God because our God is Truth and all that is true and good flows from God. We do not need to comprehend the Trinity, but we must believe, or we will suffer the consequences of living by a lie. Yours in Christ our Lord, Fr. Sid