Our Gospel lesson for today concerning the healing of the man born blind, serves as a powerful metaphor of our healing from the effects of Original Sin. Original sin is the sin nature that is present in every human. We inherited it from our first parents, Adam and Eve. Baptism applies God’s merciful forgiveness to this and all sin. But it does not remove the effect, at least not immediately. Think of having an infection ravaging and destroying your body. The doctor administers an antibiotic which stops the infection. However, you are still left to recover from the damage done to your body. One of the most damaging effects of sin within our hearts and minds are spiritual, moral, and intellectual blindness to sin. Why is this you ask? Because sin is always based on a lie. It’s alleged promise of health, wealth, wisdom, and power are always false and misleading. When we accept a lie as the truth, we are required to paint over the truth with the lie. This is where the blindness takes hold. And this blindness is the most fearsome and insidious of all illnesses because it renders us blind to our blindness. We do not know what we do not know. It’s like flying an airplane at night without instruments but thinking and believing it’s daytime. Crashing is only a question of “when?” Here is a little spiritual “eye” test. How do you see the world morally? Do you approve of the moral situations presented in most TV, movie, internet drama and comedy entertainments? Or do you stand with Christ and the teaching of His Church? The first is an indication of blindness the latter is a sign your spiritual vision is healing. So, as we finish our Lenten journey let us pray for eyes to see and ears to hear the voice of the Spirit. Yours in Christ our Lord, Fr. Sid.