Advent has begun. Two weeks ago we had our national holiday of Thanksgiving. Beginning then and through the next weeks retailers will be putting on their full court press to sell us Christmas and as early as possible. It is always a difficult season for us Christians to navigate. To begin with it is OUR “holi-day”, (Holy Day). So we should make it a big deal. But we all know the commercialization of the season many times leaves us feeling like Scrooges and Grinches. So here is some advice. Enter into the season of Advent first. Advent is a season of anticipation. We reflect on the meaning of “Emmanuel”, God with us. We evaluate our lives, honestly identifying our faults and count our blessings. The preparations we do in our homes are to symbolize the self-preparation of our heart and soul to once again receive the Christ child and to encourage a hope filled anticipation of His second coming in glory. So pace yourself. Let the hope and joy of Christmas grow during Advent. And above all, like the Wise men of the Gospel, seek Him. The Lord be with you. Fr. Sid