There are a lot of depressing things in our life brought about by the virus. I thought I would use this space today to point out some positives that have come about. -We are spending more time with those closest to us. -We have come to appreciate the relationships in our life because we miss them. -Due to the anxiety of these times, folks are spending more time in prayer. -We are doing more creative thinking which has been brought about by restrictions to our normal habits of communication and work. -Since we cannot express our affections by our presence, we are expressing it by saying it, like “I love you.” -Due to social distancing, the front pews of the church are getting usage. Humor aside, folks have had to break away from a routine of sitting in a particular place. This gives us a different experience of Mass and an opportunity to be closer to different people in the parish. -In spite of the downside of smartphones, many seniors are discovering the marvel of being able to communicate with their children and grandchildren quickly and easily by such applications as Facetime or Snapchat. There are a lot of things for which to be thankful. In the midst of this medical crisis, we are going through, try to imagine how many lives have been saved by health care providers and their access to the most recent discoveries of medicine. For example, think of the ventilator, it is a fairly recent development. By this one machine, thousands and thousands of lives have been saved. So, when you say your prayer, remember to be thankful. Yours in Christ our Lord, Fr. Sid.