Most of you have probably heard that Fr. Jim Golka has been appointed Bishop of the Diocese of Colorado Springs. He will be a fine bishop and our Diocese is going to miss him greatly. He comes from a very large extended family. He grew up in Grand Island and is an alumnus of Central Catholic. Our Diocese can boast of providing the Church with its first bishop. Our parishes and schools have been praying for vocations for several years now and the fruit of those prayers has begun to blossom. Our seminarian numbers have increased dramatically. I never gave much thought to the fact that calling bishops would also fall within the request of those prayers. The leadership of one person guided by the Lord can make a huge difference. Please pray for our Bishop Hanefeldt, all bishops and Bishop elect Golka. They have a daunting task before them. They pastor a Church that is scandal ridden and in steep decline. Historically, this has happened before, and the Lord always raises up men and women with the faithful, loving zeal of a prophet to steer the Church back on course. They are out there today, presently unnoticed, and unknown. But they will be. When they are noticed, like Christ, like the prophets of old, they will not be given much regard by the powerful. They will be scoffed at and ridiculed. But watch for them. They are coming and we will rejoice when they appear. May Bishop (elect) Golka be one of them! Yours in Christ, Fr. Sid.