This weekend we celebrated the Fourth of July. There is no question that it has a different feel to it this year. The people of our generation and for that matter, of any generation in the history of our nation have never witnessed anything like this. Across the country historical statues are being torn down or vandalized under the accretion that they all represent racism in our culture. It isn’t just Confederate statues but virtually everyone, Union officers like Grant who led the Union army to defeat the Confederates, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, even a monument to an African American regiment that fought for the Union to end slavery. It has even been extended to Catholic Churches, rioters claiming that any depiction of Jesus or Mary as a white European is raciest and encourage their followers to destroy or deface them. Folks tell me they are angry, frightened, confused, discouraged, and depressed. It’s no wonder. They have been threatened with a deadly illness, kept out of their churches, kept away from their loved ones, told they must obey and behave because this is best for everyone. Then they watch hooligans attack the symbols of our faith and nation with little resistance from authorities. Wow! So, what do we do? We do what Christian’s have always done. Be good citizens. Sincerely pray for our leaders, even and especially for the ones we don’t like. Our nation, so far, allows us to speak up about what we do not approve of and legitimately and peacefully protest. Our expressed Christian views are being threatened to silence. So, say a prayer, write a letter, an email or make a phone call to your elected representatives. And this fall, vote! Don’t vote your party line. Inform your conscience of all the truths expressed by your Catholic faith. Then pray. Then vote. It’s the American way, the Christian way, the Catholic way! Yours in Christ our Lord, Fr. Sid.