Today we celebrate our nation’s Independence Day, July 4th. Perhaps this is a good place to address a topic that has been placed before us as defining out national identity, racism. Is there racism? Yes, no doubt. Is it pervasive and horribly tainting every part of our society? I think not. I would first argue that every person has biases. These come from many sources, family, community, past experience, phobias and yes, sometimes ethnicity. When these biases are tagged to a particular group without individual considerations, they result in unfair treatment and judgmental thoughts and attitudes. We need to constantly monitor our own thoughts and behavior and ask ourselves, am I making a fair evaluation based on present, personal words, and behaviors of another. Do I really know what another is thinking or has in mind to do? This is why the Lord admonishes us not to judge others. I would site my personal experience as a priest. As you know I regularly wear clerics that readily identify me as a priest. I encounter people in all walks and places. I sometimes receive warm greetings and sometimes obvious rudeness. Is it because I am a Catholic priest? Probably sometimes. But it would be very wrong to assume the rudeness is because I represent Catholicism even though that may be the case. Some people are having a bad day, may be in pain physically or mentally, perhaps they have poor people skills, or they just might be that way everyday with everyone. Our nation is not perfect. No one is asserting that. There are always things to be fixed. But on a world scale we have the best that has come along so far. The best evidence is right in front of our national eyes. Hundreds of thousands are streaming across our southern border. Why? This is still the land of freedom, opportunity, equality, and justice for all. They want what you and I some carelessly take for granted. As part of your celebration of the 4th, please pray for our nation. May God heal, protect, and bless our nation! Fr. Sid.